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Richard S. Bakka

Amicable Resolution Company




While some of the following appearances are public, others are confidential involving private arbitration or as a non-designated preparation witness.  In order to maintain that confidentiality, all party names have been purged from the listing:

1)     1982 arbitration,                vs.                . Appeared as expert witness for                  , Jonathan Bank (Buchalter Firm). Review of ceding company claim presentation to reinsurer.

2)     1983 litigation, Oklahoma,                  (                     ) vs.                     . Appeared for                   as preparation/expert witness for Glenn Huff (Foliart, Mills). Testimony involved the duties and obligations of the primary carrier to the excess.

3)     1984 arbitration,                vs.                . Served as party arbiter for                , counsel John Dickey (Sullivan & Cromwell). Questions as to proper apportionment and allocation of individual claim under reinsurance treaty.

4)     1984 litigation, Federal Court, Philadelphia,                vs.               . Served as expert witness for Dave Richman (Pepper, Hamilton) for                  . Questions under facultative certificate on delayed notice, appropriateness of expenses and claims handling.

5)     1984 potential arbitration, served as consultant/mediator for                  vs.                  . Underlying claim,                  malpractice coverage. Served for Elliott Fenton (Fenton, Fenton & Smith). Questions between ceding company and reinsurers involving proper affixing of loss, applicable reinsurance limits available for claim. Discussions with ceding company and reinsurers resulted in a settlement agreement.

6)     1984 litigation, Federal Court, New Jersey,                    vs.                  . Appeared as expert witness for Richard Tanner (Haggerty & Donohue) on behalf of                . Underlying case, Award excess of primary cover, questions as to rights and duties to excess carrier.

7)     1984 arbitration,                  vs.                  . Served as party arbiter for                    , John Dickey (Sullivan & Cromwell Counsel). Underlying claims question on appropriate allocation under professional liability policy.

8)     1985 arbitration,                vs.                . Served as party arbiter for                , Counsel for                    , Paul Cyril (Bronson, Bronson). Art Fanning served as party arbiter for                , Counsel for                , Dave Brodnan/Jim Sporleder, Bob Federman served as umpire. Treaty presentation based on extra-contractual obligations.

9)     1985 litigation, S.D. Case,                  vs.                  . Appeared as preparation/expert witness for Bob LaFleur (LaFleur & LaFleur). Questions as to underlying primary carrier, "duty to exhaust" before involvement of umbrella carrier.

10)     1985 arbitration,                  vs.                  . Appeared as preparation/expert witness for John Christian (Phelan, Pope & John). Opined on application of "inadvertent error or omission" to broker's late report.

11)     1985 potential arbitration,                  vs.                  . Appeared for                  as expert witness for in-house Counsel, opined on individual claim involving excess limits recovery assessment and interpretation of the treaty language.

12)     1985 arbitration,                vs.                . Served as preparation witness for                , MacNeil Mitchell (Breed, Abbott & Morgan) rendered understanding and interpretation of treaty language.

13)     1985 conducted due diligence review on                  , retained by hedge fund interests,                  and other monied interests (                  , etc.). Completed review in collaboration with Milliman & Robertson.

14)     1985 arbitration,                  vs.                  . Served as preparation/expert witness for Liquidator, Dan Hildebrande (Roth & Stevens). Underlying questions on facultative cession.

15)     1985 arbitration, served as preparation/expert witness in matter styled                    vs.                  . Served for Pat O'Doherty (O'Doherty, Gallagher). Underlying questions as to late notice, warranty/misrepresentation. Counsel for                    , Larry Brandes (Miller, Singer).

16)     1985 litigation,                  vs.                  , U.S. District Court of California, Case No. 80-1392FW. Served as expert witness for N. David Lyons (Sedgwick, Detert) for                . Questions involved appropriateness of                cession under facultative certificate; notice, expenses, etc.

17)     1985 litigation, Insured                  vs.                  , Superior Court, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Suffolk, Case No. 55476. Served as expert witness for                  , Richard Neumeier (Parker, Coulter). Questions involved coverage under CGL; care, custody and control questions.

18)     1985-86 litigation and arbitration, matters involving                  vs.                  . Served as preparation/expert witness on matters involving the Global Surplus Book, William Johnson (Kennedy, Holland). General overview of reinsurance questions relating to                    and Frank B. Hall.

19-26)     1985-87 consulting and expert witness review of litigation or arbitration presentations for                     , Mike Gorelick (Abrams & Martin):

A)              coverage interpretations on excess policy, definition of ultimate net loss".

B) Excess policy on              ,              crash. Questions of coverage under facultative certificate, question as to broker placement, etc.

C)              , questions as to validity of facultative cession due to "black out/brown out" exclusion.

D) Risk              , questions as to financial guaranty on ethanol plant.

E)              , question on Marsh-Mac manuscript policy as to extension of punitive damages.

F)              , questions as offset on treaty relationship versus facultative cessions.

G) Appearance as expert witness in arbitration (                 vs.                 ) on twenty or so claims presentations being questioned by the reinsurer.

H)                 (                 ), assessment of workers' compensation/employers liability between carriers;                 and                 .

I) Assessments and consultation on rights, duties and obligations of excess carriers on asbestos risks;              ,              ,              ,              ,              .

27)     1986 arbitration,                    vs.                    , appeared as party arbiter for, Tom Newman (Siff & Newman). Questions as to appropriate ceding of claims under treaty.

28)     1986 arbitration,                    vs.                    , appeared as party arbiter for                    , John Dickey (Sullivan & Cromwell). Questions as to appropriate claim reporting by ceding company.

29)     1986 litigation, Washington,                    vs.                    , appeared as an expert witness for                    , Dave Swartling (Karr, Tuttle). Questions as to primary versus excess, rights, duties, obligations.

30)     1986 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Preparation/expert witness for                    , in-house counsel Meredith Lehr. Questions as to reinsurer response to bad faith/excess limits recovery.

31)     1986 litigation,                    vs.                    , served for Randy Worth (Young, Moore, Henderson). Questions as to reinsurance practice regarding facultative certificates, duties and obligations as to response.

32)     1986 potential arbitration/resolution, served as consultant for                    ,                    , assessment/review of a reinsured                    , primary insured                    . Questions as to reasonableness of the underlying cession, apportionment to years, aggregate potential.

33)     1986 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Ed Zulkey (Baker & McKenzie). Questions of "access to records" IBNR, arbitratability, retrocessional questions.

34)     1986 arbitration,                    vs.                    . General assessment of treaty language and application of coverage extended to Trust. Served for                    in-house Counsel, John Lingner.

35)     1986 arbitration,                       and                       vs.                       . Served for                    in-house Counsel, John Lingner, as preparation witness. Questions involving warranty retention, quota share questions and appropriate reinsurer response.

36)     1986 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as preparation/expert witness for in-house Counsel, Rich McCarty. Questions as to reinsurer's aggregate limit of liability under reinsurance treaty.

37)     1986-87 arbitration, served as preparation witness in matter styled                    vs.                    . Served for Neil Rambin and Bill Rippey (Strasburger & Price). Initiated team assessment of various underlying risks; categorization between facultative and treaty.

38)     1987 litigation,                    vs.                    , San Diego Superior Court, Case No. 498488. Served as preparation/expert witness for A. Kendall Wood (Hinchy, Witte). Questions as to duties and responsibilities of broker/intermediary to provide solvent market.

39)     1987 arbitration, preparation/expert witness,                    vs.                    , potential questions as to facultative reinsurer response, delayed notice, etc.

40)     1987 service as preparation/consulting on overall assessment for purposes of underwriting excess layer; assuming reinsurer                    , ceding company IMI (agent's error & omission program).

41)     1987 arbitration,                    , John Nonna, (Werner & Kennedy) vs.                    , Mike Connelly (Connelly & Schroeder). Served as party arbiter for                    , Gerry Murray served as arbiter for                    , Bert Thompson as Umpire, questions as to proper remittance of premiums, IBNR assessments and letters of credit.

42)     1987 litigation, served as expert witness in case styled                    vs.                    , Superior Court, State of California, County of Riverside, Case No. 136846. Served for Ted Shield (Shield & Smith). Underlying CGL questions on California land movement, aggregate by project question.

43)     1987 arbitration,                    (formerly                    ) vs.                    ,                    and                    . Served as preparation/expert witness for Jeff Morris/Stu Parsons (Quarles & Brady). General overview of treaty drafting questions, underlying D&O policy drafting questions.

44)     1987 litigation, California, served as preparation/expert witness for Al Norris (Crosby, Heafey) in a matter styled                    vs.                    . Appeared for                    on bad faith/excess limits recovery rendered against primary insured                       (architect and engineers policy).

45)     1987 litigation, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, Miami Division, Case No. 84-0926,                       vs.                       . Appeared for                       , Joe Kissane (Kimbrell and Hamann). Expert witness testimony rendered on Broad Form Named Insured Endorsement.

46)     1987 litigation,                    vs.                    , underlying case and ultimate decision by South Dakota Supreme court. Served as preparation/expert witness for Bob LaFleur (LaFleur & LaFleur). Served for workers' compensation claimant alleging "bad faith" in the handling of workers' compensation case. Case set the standard for "bad faith" in South Dakota.

47)     1987 arbitration,                    vs.                    , Counsel for                    , John Parker and Jim Sporleder, Counsel for                    , Katherine Billingham and Robert Jones. Served as umpire, questions as to underlying losses under treaty, IBNR and Letters of Credit questions.

48)     1987 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Jim Rubin (Butler, Rubin Counsel). Party arbiter for                    , Rick O’Rourke, Counsel Ed Ruberry (Bollinger, Ruberry). Question by pool participant                    on the                    pool.

49)     1987 litigation,                    vs.                    (                    ), District Court of Hidalgo County, Texas, Case No. C-1295-87E. Appeared for                    , Counsel Brenda Hight (Riddle & Brown). Underlying case rendered $10 million verdict, question as to handling by carriers, battle of umbrellas. Appeared as preparation/expert witness for                    .

50)     1987 litigation,                    vs.                    , Federal Court Northern District, Illinois. Served as preparation/expert witness for in-house counsel of                    . Questions involved carrier handling of retrospectively rated program, GL and compensation.

51)     1987 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Brenda Hight (Riddle & Brown). Question as to ceding company's loss presentation, questions of single versus multiple occurrences and retentions.

52)     1987-89 arbitration,                      vs.                     . Appeared as party arbiter for                      , Michael Gorelick (Abrams & Martin). Party arbiter for                        Bill Warren, Counsel Anthony Lazone. Umpire, Jim Dowd, questions as to whether retrocessional should respond to a facultative certificate with the loss based on an aggregate excess WC yearly presentation.

53)     1988 litigation, California,                    vs.                    . Served for                    , Andrew Stein (Stein & Hanger). Questions of bad faith handling/Royal-Globe.

54)     1988 arbitration,                       vs.                       . Appeared for                       as preparation/expert witness for questions involving reinsurance treaty response to "clash cover". Handled by                       in-house Counsel.

55)     1988 litigation,                    vs.                    , U.S. District Court, Eastern District of N.C., Raleigh Division, Case No. 87-760-CIV-5. Preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel David Srusa (Young, Moore, Henderson). Questions as to reinsurer response due to warranty/retention, late notice questions.

56)     1988-89 litigation, New York,                    vs.                    . Preparation/consulting for Dennis Jacobs, Bob Rice (Simpson, Thatcher). "Late notice" question on facultative certificate. Ultimately, recommended a secondary expert for Court appearance.

57)     1989 litigation,                    vs.                    , Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, served for Heather Bale, Stein, Hanger. Questions involving underlying coverage assessment and potential bad faith allegations under Section 790 (Royal-Globe).

58)     1989 litigation, California. Served as preparation/expert witness on a Matter styled                    vs.                    . Served for                    , Jim Rooney and Sam Zaif (Thelen, Marrin). Essentially, appearance involving the potential return of premium and renewal on this Bermuda captive. The underlying questions revolved around single vs. multiple occurrence assessments on African nickel smelting vats and questions of "force majeure".

59)     1989 litigation,                    vs.                    , Orange County Superior Court, Case No. 563157. Appeared for                    , Steve Kushner (Stein, Hanger). Allegations of breach of Civil Rights Act, Ins. Code 790.03, and alleged questionable evaluation of wrongful death claim.

60)     1989 litigation,                    vs.                    and                    , U.S. District Court, Southern District, Houston Division, Case No. H87-2323. Appeared for                    , John Hayob (Niewald, Waldeck). Testified as to                    obligation to respond to a facultative certificate issued in favor of U.S. Liability, inuring to the benefit of treaty reinsurer,                    .

61)     1989 litigation, California,                       , in Liquidation vs.                       , Superior Court, California, Case No. 87 1490E (CM). Served for                    as preparation/expert witness for Richard Antognini (Lawlar, Felix). Questions and allegations by excess carrier of "bad faith" handling by primary,                    .

62)     1989 litigation, Nebraska,                       vs.                       . Appeared on behalf of plaintiff, for Robert Mullin (Van, Steenberg, Chaloupke). Appeared as preparation witness on first party coverage under                    policy. Questions essentially revolved around potential gap in terminating coverage on old policy, coupled with a $100,000 capping on the new policy.

63)     1989 litigation, California,                    vs.                    . Served as preparation/expert witness for Steve Kushner (Yussim, Stein). Alleged "bad faith" claims handling under Royal-Globe.

64)     1989 arbitration, Parties                    vs.                    . Appointed party arbiter by in-house                    Counsel, Paul Ryske. Questions as to ceding company's recoverables under treaty.

65)     1989 litigation,                    vs.                    , U.S. District Court, Sioux Falls, S.D. Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , Greg Eiesland (Lynn, Jackson). Potential "bad faith" on handling of uninsured motorists' claim.

66)     1989 arbitration,                    vs.                    ,                    and                    . Served as party arbiter for                       , Counsel Kevin Walsh (Kelly, Drye). Counsel for                    , John Nonna (Werner & Kennedy). Questions revolved around treaty loss presentation to reinsurers, questions of allocation to proper policy periods.

67)     1989 litigation,                    vs.                    , U.S. District Court, District of S.D., Southern Division, Case No. 87-4082. Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Terry Quinn (Stevens, Quinn & Buckmaster). Allegations of bad faith in handling of workers' compensation case.

68)     1989 arbitration,                       vs.                       . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Eileen Eglin (Wilson, Elsner), Dan Schmidt as umpire. Questions involving attachment points and duty of defense.

69)     1989 litigation,                    vs.                    , et al, Superior Court, State of California, County of Riverside, Case No. INDIO47315. Served for                    as preparation/expert witness, Counsel Steven Lax (Schaeffer & Lax). Opined on drafting and interpretation of product performance policy issued by                    . Assessment and applicability to California windmills and the relationship with the IPO underwriting as to investors.

70)     1989 litigation,                    vs.                    , Federal Court, Rapid City, S.D. Served as preparation/expert witness for                       , Counsel Terry Quinn (Stevens, Quinn). Opined on first party nursing home coverage and wrongful rescission, denial and handling of first party claim. Jury verdict $12 million, subsequent opining on collectibility/"piercing the veil" against Parent.

71)     1989 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Marcia Rimai (Whyte & Hirschboeck). Questions as to reinsurer response due to drafting of custodial trust agreement and underlying loss assessments.

72)     1989 litigation,                    vs.                    , State Court of Tucson, Arizona. Served as preparation/expert witness for                       , Counsel Jonathan Reich (Miller, Pitt). Allegations of "bad faith" in handling of worker's compensation claimant.

73)     1989-1991 litigation,                    vs.                    (                    ), Case in U.S. Court of Appeals for 6th Circuit, styled                    vs.                    , Case No. 90-1338/1380 and Case No. 88C320, Northern District of Illinois. Served as preparation/expert witness for Sandra Young (Purcell & Wardrope). Question turned on facultative certificate issued by                    to                    , questions as to reinstatement of aggregate and assessments under facultative certificate.

74)     1989 arbitration,                    vs.                    , served as arbiter on behalf of NASD #88-03904 (National Association of Securities Dealers). Attorney for                    , G. M. Morrow, attorney for                    , Cynthia Doria.

75)     1990 arbitration,                    vs.                    , served for John Nonna (Werner & Kennedy) as party arbiter. Underlying question involving drafting of treaty and loss ratio drafting and interpretation.

76)     1990 litigation,                       vs.                       and                       , U.S. District Court, District of S.D., Western Division, Case No. 90-5116. Served as preparation/expert witness for Mitch LaFleur (LaFleur & LaFleur). Questions revolved around bad faith claims handling on workmen's compensation claimant, appearance on behalf of individual claimant.

77)     1990 litigation,                    ,                    vs.                    . Appeared for                    as preparation/expert witness for James Rocap (Rocap, Witchter) on excess limits and bad faith allegations against Carrier.

78)     1990 arbitration,                    vs.                    , Jeff Maher (Jones, Day) serving for                    , Tefft Smith (Kirkland, Ellis) for Imperial. My service was in the umpire role, questions related to bordereau reporting, appropriateness of response of reinsurer, late notice, etc.

79)     1990 litigation,                    (                    ) vs.                    , et al. Served as preparation/expert witness and put together a team to address directors and officers allegations on insolvent                    . Served for D&O carrier on                    ,                    (                    paper), Counsel David Brown, McClintock Firm. Used Bill Gilmartin on the marketing/underwriting side, Chuck McClennahan on actuarial.

80)     1990 litigation,                    vs.                    ,                    ,                    and                    , District Court, Tarrant County, Texas, Case No. 141-101105-86. Appeared as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Lonnie McGuire, Jr. (McGuire & Levy). Questions between primary and excess, "duty to exhaust limits".

81)     1990 litigation,                    vs.                    and                    (                    E & O). Served as preparation/expert witness for                    on questions as to the alleged E & O by this MGA operation. Counsel for                    , Ed Ruberry (Bollinger, Ruberry).

82)     1990 arbitration,                    vs.                    , et al. Served as party arbiter for                    , Brenda Hight (Riddle & Brown). Nino Crisafull served as umpire, Jim Powers as arbiter and Wilson & Elsner Ken Scott for                    . Underlying question as to whether cedent has properly presented potential ECO loss to reinsurance treaty.

83)     1990 litigation,                    vs.                    . Served for                    , John Williams (Wyatt, Tarrant) as preparation/expert witness. Questions as to determining "ultimate net loss" and defense obligations under manuscript policy. Kroll & Tract (Atlanta) served for                    .

84)     1990 litigation,                    (                    ) vs.                    , Circuit Court of Cook County, Case No. 89C909. Served as preparation witness for                    , Counsel John Brennan (Clausen, Miller). Questions between primary/excess.

85)     1990 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served for                    , Counsel Mike Gorelick (Abrams & Martin). Questions as to ceding company loss presentation; delayed notice and potential sovereign immunity on primary policy.

86)                    1990 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as Umpire, counsel for                    , John Jennings (in-house), Counsel for                    , Charles Locke (Locke & Herbert). David Hauge served as arbiter for                    , George Dorsey as party arbiter for                    . Action for rescission.

87)     1990 litigation,                    vs.                    , District Court, Southern Judicial District, County of Burleigh, N.D. Served for                       , Counsel Joe Cichy (Wheeler, Wolfe). Alleged "bad faith" handling regarding uninsured motorist claim.

88)     1990 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Brenda Hight (Riddle & Brown). Questions as to ceding company's loss presentation of professional liability exposure.

89)     1990 litigation,                       vs.                       , Florida case. Served as preparation/expert witness for                    on an underlying self-insured program. Served for Counsel David Schwartz (Rumberger, Kirk). Questions as to whether                    form required further duty to defend based on drafting of policy.

90)     1990 litigation,                    vs.                    , State Court, South Dakota. Served for                    , Counsel Gary Jensen (Lynn, Jackson). Opined on claim's coverage assessment and handling on underinsured motorist case.

91)     1990 arbitration,                    vs.                    , et al, served as party appointed arbiter on behalf of NFA #89-ARB-132 (National Futures Association). Attorney for                    , Paul Sussman, attorney for                    , Carl Schmidt (Frank, Schmidt).

92)     1991 arbitration,                    vs.                       , served as arbiter on behalf of NASD, #89-02595. Questions involving execution of trades.

93)     1991 arbitration,                    vs.                    , served as party arbiter for Tefft Smith (Kirkland & Ellis)                    , party arbiter for                    , John McComb. Potential questions regarding two programs.

94)     1991 litigation,                    , Parties;                    vs.                    , et al, appeared for Sheldon Lazarow, Lazarow & Lazarow, Tucson, Arizona. Addressed questions of run-off/solvency .

95)     1991 arbitration,                    and                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , John Lingner as Counsel. Ev Barlow served as arbiter for                    and Tom Gilson as Umpire. Underlying questions of relationships MGA/broker/assuming market.

96)     1991 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , questions on multiple versus singular occurrences in GL policies. Case handled by in-house counsel.

97)     1991 arbitration,                    vs.                    and                    . Served as an umpire, arbiter for                    , Mike Cass, arbiter for                    , Walter Carlson. Counsel for                    Derke Price (Lord, Bissell), Counsel for                    , Ed Ruberry (Bollinger, Ruberry). Questions relating to losses incurred, questions of affixing of loss and treaty language.

98)     1991 litigation,                    vs.                    ,                    , et al vs.                    , District Court Williamson County, Texas. Appeared as preparation/expert witness for                    and Counsel John Milano (Thorton, Summers). Questions regarding rights, duties between primary/umbrella on continuous tort allegations.

99)     1991 litigation,                    vs.                    , Superior Court, State of California, County of Los Angeles, Case No. C667829. Appeared for                    as preparation/expert witness for Heather Bale (Stein, Hanger). Alleged "bad faith" under Section 790 on handling of first party claim.

100)     1991 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Dan O'Leary, Jr. (Peterson & Ross). Questions regarding cession under treaty.

101)     1991 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Appointed party arbiter for                    , by Brenda Hight (Riddle & Brown). Questions regarding loss presentation to reinsurance treaty.

102)     1991 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Appointed as umpire, Counsel for                    , Freed & Willson (Wilson, Elsner). Counsel for                    , John Mathias (Jenner & Block). Party arbiters were Bill Wall (Elliston) for                    , George Dorsey for                    . Underlying questions under retrocessional agreement,                    retrocedent,                    retrocessionaire.

103)     1991 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Asked to serve as preparation/expert witness by Paul Cyril (Cyril & Crowley) for                    . Questions involving cession between quota share and umbrella treaties.

104)     1991 litigation,                    vs.                    , State Court Rapid City, S.D., Case No. 89 1008. Appeared for                    , Counsel Terry Quinn (Quinn, Day & Barker). Alleged "bad faith" claims handling on worker's compensation claimant.

105)     1991 litigation,                    vs.                    , Suffolk Superior Court, Massachusetts, Case No. 87-1391. Served as preparation/expert witness on rights and duties between primary and excess, derivative of "excess limits" recovery. Served for excess carrier,                    , counsel Alice Richmond (Hemenway & Barnes).

106)     1991 litigation,                    vs.                    , Circuit Court of Cook County, Case No. 83L14570. Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Mark Roth (Pretzel & Stouffer). Underlying self-insured                    delayed reporting to excess carrier, excess limits recovery.

107)     1991 litigation,                    vs.                    , State Court, Rapid City, S.D. Appeared as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel William Porter (Costello, Porter). Uninsured motorist coverage assessment, questions of "bad faith" by wrongful denial.

108)     1991 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as Umpire. John Nonna (Werner & Kennedy) served for                    , party arbiter Bill McIlwain. Serving as counsel for                    , David Raim (Chadbourne & Parke), party arbiter Bill Gilmartin. Multiple ceded and assumed treaty questions subject to offset.

109)     1991 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Don Vogelsang (Grippo & Eldon). Party arbiter for                    , Allan Gruenisen, in-house Counsel for                    . Serving as Umpire, Roland Wendorf. Questions as to loss presentation under                    pool.

110)     1991 litigation,                    vs.                    , U.S. District Court, South Dakota, Western Division, Case No. 895116. Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Terry Quinn (Quinn, Eisland). Assessed and opined on claims handling procedures under self--insured program on worker's compensation.

111)     1991-1993 arbitration,                    vs.                    , served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Ken Wylie & Jim Murray (Katten, Muchin), Don DeCarlo served as party arbiter for                    , David Sherwood served as Umpire. Questions on ceding company's presentation on D&O treaty; single vs. multiple loss, aggregate limit, question of who completed underwriting assessments.

112)     1991-1993 arbitration,                    (                    ) vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Michael Gorelick (Abrams & Martin). Counsel for                    , Neal Glazer (D'Amato & Lynch). Underlying questions as to proper cession of premium.

113-114)     1991 arbitration,                    vs.                    and                    and                    vs.                    , served as arbiter on behalf of NFA #90-ARB-148 & 91-ARB-30 (National Futures Association). Attorney for                    , Richard Miller (Newman, Tannenbaum), attorney for                    , Nancy Van Sant (Hornsby, Sacker).

115)     1991 arbitration,                    &                    vs.                    ,                    ,                    ,                    &                    , served as arbiter on behalf of NASD #90-00239 (National Association of Securities Dealers).

116)     1992 litigation, Circuit Court, 8th Judicial District, County of Butte, S.D.,                    vs.                    , a/k/a                    . Appeared for                    , Stephen Beardsley (Lynn, Jackson Firm). Questions involved first party claims handling, interpretation and allegations of bad faith claim handling.

117)     1992 litigation, Iowa,                    vs.                    . Appeared for                    in-house Counsel, Bill Goldstein, on coverage interpretations made under International Aviation policy.

118)     1992 litigation,                    vs.                    , State Court, Rapid City, S.D. Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , represented by Gary Jensen (Lynn, Jackson). Opined on purchase of insurance through one entity, loss portfolioed to secondary entity. Questions of inappropriate handling based on loss of records in the transfer.

119)     1992 arbitration,                    vs.                    , served as Umpire. Counsel for                    Joe Molloy (Anthony Lanzone Offices), party arbiter Ken Hanson. Counsel for                    , Cliff Schoenberg (Miller, Singer), party arbiter Ralph Hemp. Questions of "right to audit", reconciliation of losses and numbers.

120)     1992 litigation,                    vs.                    , State Court, Bismark, N.D., Case No. 91C17243. Served for                    on first party nursing home policy. Questions as to drafting and coverages extended. Counsel for                    , Bob Bolinske (Zuger, Kirmas).

121)     1992 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Counsel for                    , John Mathias (Jenner & Block), party arbiter George Dorsey. Counsel for                    , Michael Goldstein (Mound, Cotton), party arbiter Bob Brownley. Served as Umpire on this matter, underlying questions as to proper loss presentation.

122)     1992 litigation,                    vs.                    , State Court, Missouri, Case No. 90 4235 CV C 9. Served for                    as preparation/expert witness on questions of coverage under policy and "excess limits" recovery. Counsel for                    , Hemp Ford (Knight, Ford, Wright).

123)     1992 litigation,                    vs.                    , State Court, Rapid City, S.D., Case No. 90-5089. Appeared for                    in assessing alleged wrongful denial on underinsured motorist coverage. Served for Counsel, Tom Simmons (Bangs, McCullen).

124)     1992 litigation,                    vs.                    ,                    ,                    ,                    , Superior Court, State of California, County of Los Angeles, Case No. BC033671. Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , California land movement cases. Counsel for                    , John Walsh (Hillsinger & Costanzo-San Diego).

125)     1992 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Appointed as party arbiter for                    by John Nonna (Werner & Kennedy). Charlie Niles serving as party arbiter for                    . After exchange relating to Umpire candidates, case settled.

126)     1992 litigation,                    vs.                    and                    , Texas State Court. Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Brenda Hight (Riddle & Brown). Insured having primary coverage, elected self-insured worker's compensation, no employer's liability coverage. Insured requested umbrella to drop down. My assessment was for umbrella                    , summary judgment for                    .

127)     1992 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Ken Wylie (Katten, Muchin). Party arbiter for                    , Dennis Gentry, Counsel Jeff Lennard (Sonnenschein, Nath). Serving as Umpire, Larry Stratman. Questions revolving around MGA agreement between                       and                       , reconciliation and premium due.

128)     1992 arbitration,                    vs.                    (                    ). Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Michael Goldstein (Mound, Cotton). Served as party arbiter for                    , ceding company under facultative certificate. Questions as to exclusions under underlying policy versus fac certificate.

129)     1992 litigation,                    vs.                    , Superior Court, Arizona, County of Pima, Case No. 255838. Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Sheldon Lazarow (Lazarow & Lazarow). Underlying first-party nursing home policy, allegations of wrongful denial, bad faith in Arizona action.

130)     1992 litigation,                    and                    vs.                    and                    , Bernalillo County, District Court, Arizona, Case No. CV92-00436. Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Chris Moody (Poole, Kelley). Opined on coverage questions for declaratory judgment action, contribution and potential Arizona bad faith.

131)     1992-1993 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Michael Goldstein (Mound, Cotton), John Webb served as arbiter for                    , Ed Gschwind served as Umpire. Questions as to whether D&O treaty has an aggregate limit, single vs. multiple loss.

132)     1992-1994 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as Umpire on matter involving products' loss presentations under facultative certificate. Questions as to claim handling, decisions as to coverage and certificate response. Serving as party arbiter for                    was Robert Hughes, Counsel Eugene Anderson (Anderson, Kill). Also, Henry Daar (Kostow & Daar). Serving as party arbiter for                    was Bill Edwards, Counsel Cliff Schoenberg (Rosenman & Colin).

133)     1992-1994 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter, Counsel Kathryn Broderick (Preston, Gates) and Brandes & Schoenberg (Rosenman & Colin). Don DeCarlo served as arbiter for                    and Clark Hontz as Umpire. Questions as to ceding company loss presentations under D & O treaty reinsurance.

134)     1992-1995 arbitration,                    and                    vs.                    . Served as Umpire on potential loss presentation to reinsurer, questions of other offsetting relationships. Serving as party arbiter for                    , Bob Brownley, Counsel William Zieden-Weber of                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Bill McIlwain, Counsel John Allare (                    ).

135)     1992 arbitration,                    vs.                    and                    , served as arbiter on behalf of NFA 91-02539 (National Futures Association). Attorney for                    , Ron Leo, attorney for                    , James Telepman.

136)     1992 arbitration,                    vs.                    , et al, served as arbiter on behalf of NFA #91-ARB-212 (National Futures Association). Attorney for                    , Gary Sinclair, attorney for                    , Jerome Tatar.

137)     1992-1997 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Michael Connelly (Connelly & Schroeder). Serving as party arbiter for                    , Bill Edwards. Questions as to underlying fac loss presentations.

138)     1993 litigation,                    vs.                    , Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit, County of Pennington, South Dakota, Case No. 91-366. Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Michael Hickey (Bangs, McCullen). Assessment and opine on first-party A & H denial of benefits.

139)     1993 litigation, District Court, County of Cass, N.D., Case No. 90-940,                    vs.                    . Appeared for                    as expert witness, Wickham Cordin (Comy, Feste). Appeared for first party insured, questions as to the carriers handling of no-fault benefits.

140)     1993 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Nick DiGiovanni (Lord, Bissell & Brook). Serving on behalf of                    was Bill McIlwain. The two arbiters were Bill Wall for                    , Reno Forsythe for                    and Umpire Neil Ashley. Questions between ceding company and assuming entity as to the validity of the underlying loss presentation. Presentation derivative of questionable claims handling on bond loss.

141)     1993 litigation/arbitration,                    vs.                    , Circuit Court of Cook County, Case No. 88CH5439. Appeared as expert witness before arbitration panel addressing questions on MGA relationship (provide solvent market). Served for                    , Counsel Steven Holz (Music, Peeler), Don Martin serving as in-house Counsel for                    .

142)     1993 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel John Heaphy (Mayer, Brown). Serving as party arbiter for                    , Graves Hewitt, Umpire Joe Bambury. Potential questions as to ceding company underwriting, moral questions, allegations of fraud, misrepresentation.

143)     1993 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel David Spector (Mayer, Brown). Serving as party arbiter for                    , George Knapp, Bill McIlwain as Umpire. Claims questions and allocation and occurrence questions on facultative certificate.

144-145)     1993 arbitration,                    and                    . Served as Umpire on two matters involving a ceding company claims presentation; apportionment, and occurrence questions. Party arbiter for                    was Bill Edwards, Counsel Tom Newman (Newman & Harrington). Serving as party arbiter for                    , Chet Abbey, Counsel Cliff Schoenberg (Rosenman & Colin).

146)     1993-1994 litigation,                    vs.                    ,                    ,                    ,                    ,                    , et al., State Court of Michigan, Circuit Court, County of Kalamazoo, Case No. C92-2899-CZ. Self-insured                    suffered a $110 million punitive damage verdict in Illinois. Requested by Clay Phillips (Peterson & Ross) for                    to review underlying claims and legal handling by self-insured and Counsel. Questions as to claims handling, trial developments and assessment of potential aggregate presentation to excess.

147)     1993-1994 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Appeared as a fact witness, deposition requested by                    , Counsel Preston Gates for                    , Dysart Taylor for                    . Appearing as Counsel for                    , Elaine Cothran (Oppenheimer, Wolff). Underlying questions as to                    submission of losses and underwriting on environmental Pool.

148)     1993-1994 litigation,                    vs.                    , U.S. District Court, District of North Dakota, Southwestern Division. Appeared for                    , David Peterson (Peterson, Schmitz). Within declaratory judgment action, opined on coverage extended under directors & officers policy, with unique question as to "stop-gap liability endorsement". Insured employee elected or failed to report occasional South Dakota employee, under North Dakota monopolistic worker's compensation.

149)     1993-1994 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as Umpire on questions as to facultative loss submission to facultative reinsurer. Party arbiter for                    , Bill Wall, Counsel Marcy Tanker (Fitzpatrick & Tanker). Party arbiter for                    , Dennis Gentry, Counsel, Nick Pearson (Carter, Ledyard).

150)     1993-1994 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel John Nonna (Werner & Kennedy), Tom Crittenden served as arbiter for                    serving as Umpire was Art Fanning. Questions as to retrocessional response on individual loss presentation.

151)     1993-1994 litigation,                    vs.                    , U.S. District Court, St. Paul, Minnesota, Case No. CV3-87-390. Served as preparation/expert witness on claims made policy response to discrimination. Questions as to loss affixing. Served for Counsel Alex Rogoski (Peterson & Ross) and Tom Boyd (Winthrop & Weinstine-St. Paul).

152)     1993-1994 litigation,                    (                    ) vs.                       ,                       , Circuit Court of Cook County, Case No. 90L09288D. Served as preparation/expert witness for Counsel Mark Roth (Pretzel & Stouffer). Opined on underlying claims and legal handling, potential delayed notice.

153)     1993-1995 arbitration,                    vs.                    and                    . Served as party arbiter for                    and                    ,                    arbiter Ralph Wellington (Schnader, Harrison), Umpire Judge Gibbons (Crummy, DelDeo). Questions regarding self-insured handling of claims/legal, delayed notice, etc.

154)     1994 litigation,                    (tenants) vs.                    et al, Federal Court, Philadelphia. Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , liability carrier,                    and excess interests (                    ,                    ) Counsel Mel Dickstein (Robbins, Kaplan). Opined on impact of destruction of records on tenant,                    . Rick Gilmore, Tom Greene, and Barney Barber served as expert witness for                    .

155)     1994 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Joe Donley (Kittredge, Donley). Questions of offset in multiple relationships. Case ultimately settled prior to appointment of Umpire.

156)     1994 litigation,                    vs.                    , Circuit Court of Cook County. Served as preparation witness for Mike Connelly (Connelly & Schroeder). Questions as to claims handling, settlement and premium assessments on retrospective rating program.

157)     1994 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel John Kuhn (Brinton & Fedota). Questions as to carriers handling of retrospective rating plan and premium assessment. John Duncker (Toplis & Harding) served as party arbiter, case resolved prior to appointment of Umpire.

158)     1994 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as Umpire on question as to cession under property cover. Party arbiter for                    , David Sherwood, Counsel Jim Rubin (Butler, Rubin). Party arbiter for                    , Daryl Semple, Counsel Richard Kennedy (Werner & Kennedy).

159)     1994 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as Umpire, party arbiter for                    , Bert Thompson, Counsel Tom Bower (Bickford, Hahn), party arbiter Bill Edwards for                    , John Nonna (Werner & Kennedy) as Counsel. After exchange, the matter was settled post-organizational.

160)     1994 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as Umpire, party arbiter for                    , Jeff Felts, Counsel Aaron Rosenfeld (Vorys, Sater). Party arbiter for                    , Jack Koepke, Counsel John Nonna (Werner & Kennedy). Post-organizational meeting and based on exchange, case was settled.

161)     1994 litigation,                    vs.                    , Circuit Court of Cook County. Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Malcolm Brooks (McBride, Baker). Opined on "lost policies" for purposes of environmental loss presentation.

162)     1994-1995 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Mike Gorelick (Abrams & Martin), Bob Brownley served as arbiter for                    , Robert Reinarz served as Umpire. Counsel for                    , Ron Theleen (Mound, Cotton). Questions as to ceding company loss presentation under facultative program.

163)     1994-1995 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as Umpire on ceding company questions as to allocation and coverage of underlying loss and expense. Party arbiter for                    , John Binning, Counsel Mike Gottschalk (Kutak, Rock). Party arbiter for                    , Tony Katauskas (Williams & Montgomery), Counsel Bob Bates (Bates, Meckler).

164)     1994-1995 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Stuart Tompkins (Sullivan, Ward), Umpire George Bashara (former Federal Judge, now with Dykema Gossett). Underlying case settled, agreed arbitration between primary and excess carriers.

165)     1994-1997 litigation,                    vs.                    and                    , Oklahoma State Court. Serving as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel David Steed (Turner & Boisseau). Questions as to front companies' obligations in insolvency scenario.

166)     1994 arbitration,                    vs.                    , et al, served as arbiter on behalf of NFA #94-ARB-47 (National Futures Association). Attorney for                    , Gary Feder (J.B. Grossman, P.A.).

167)     1995 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Appointed as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Bruce Friedman (Kroll & Tract). Questions as to ceding company loss presentation. Case settled prior to retention of Umpire.

168)     1995 litigation,                    vs.                    and                    , Circuit Court of Cook County, Case No. 91L14732. Served as preparation/expert witness for                    . Counsel Jennifer Holloway (Clarke & DeGrand), Counsel for                    , Tom Conklin, Counsel for                    , Tony Katauskas (Williams & Montgomery). Questions involved appropriateness of loss presentation to facultative reinsurer. Key Illinois case on late notice.

169)     1995 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Neil Novak, (Brand & Novak), Counsel for                    , Linda Lasley. Questions as to premium allocated, received and applicability of arbitration.

170)     1995 litigation,                    vs.                    vs.                    ,                    . U.S. District Court, District of Mexico, Case No. CIV94-412SC, served as preparation/expert witness                    for                    , Counsel Phil King (Bates, Meckler).                    was excess carrier on professional liability on attorney malpractice.                    allegedly mishandled trust over 15 year time period--questions as to policy and interpretation, affixing of loss, "known loss" questions.

171)     1995-1996 arbitration,                       vs.                       , served as Umpire.                          party arbiter Bill Gilmartin, Counsel John Nonna (Werner & Kennedy). Party arbiter for                       , Bill Wall (Tribler & Orpett), Counsel Joe Donley (Kittredge, Donley). Questions as to facultative certificate response to loss presentation.

172)     1995-1996 litigation/arbitration,                       vs.                       and                       , State Court, Potter County, Texas, Case No. 75000831-A. Serving as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Michael Knippen (Bollinger, Ruberry). Party arbiter for                    Bob Muhr, Counsel Bradley Bingham (Bingham & Mann). Settlement of underlying litigation, agreed arbitration of questions of coverage between E & O carrier and liability carrier.

173)     1995-1996 litigation,                    vs.                    ,                    ,                    , Superior Court, Fulton County, Georgia. Underlying case,                    vs.                    , Southern District, Houston, Case No. H-94-3851. Served for Phil King (Mayer, Brown & Platt). Allegations that products coverage under general liability excludes environmental presentation. Served as preparation/expert witness for purposes of policy interpretation, etc.

174)     1995-1996 litigation, Circuit Court of Cook County.                    vs.                    . Serving as preparation/expert witness for Counsel Mick Alexander (Clausen, Miller). Questions involve bone marrow transplant on A & H stop-loss cover on school district. Swearing match between broker and carrier as to information related to school district.

175)     1995-1996                    , et al, served as arbiter on behalf of NFA #95-ARB-143 (National Futures Association). Attorney for                    , Joel Carlins, attorney for                    , Joe Pfingst.

176)     1993-1996 litigation,                    vs.                    . Served as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Barry O'Connell (Moore, O'Connell), Eighth Judicial District Court, County of Cascade, Montana, Case No. BVD-91-925.                    questioned the underlying handling by the primary, claims handling and resultant excess limits potential.

177)     1996 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served for                    , Counsel, Michael Gottschalk (Kutack Rock), Counsel for                    , John Liberator. Questions regarding ceding company's affixing and apportionment of malpractice presentation.

178)     1996 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as preparation/expert witness, Counsel Mark Kareken (Zelle & Larson). Panel members Umpire Richard Haverland,                    arbiter Paul Thomson,                    arbiter Leo Heifetz. Opined on California underlying claims presentation, potential questions of excess limits/ECO, response of treaties.

179)     1996 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Counsel for                    , Joseph Beits, party arbiter Bob Brownley. Counsel for                    , Mary Ann Phillips, party arbiter Rex Davis. Served in the Umpire role, Statements of Position/Questions have not been presented. Case settled.

180)     1996 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as a party arbiter for                    , Counsel Neal Novak (Brand & Novak), party arbiter for                    , Bob Mangino, Counsel Cahill Gordon. Underlying questions on commodity bond cover.

181)     1996 arbitration,                    ,                    &                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , et al, Counsel Joe Donley (Kittredge, Donley). No party arbiter was designated for                    , nor had an Umpire been selected. Case settled.

182)     1996 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Counsel John Nonna (Werner & Kennedy). Party arbiter for                    , Charlie Niles, Counsel Shawn Kelly (Ryker, Danzig). Joe Bambury serving as Umpire.

183)     1995-1996 served as preparation/consulting on                    ,                    , Counsel Steve Daly. Questions posed as to London response on broker drafted treaties. General insight rendered on factual scenarios involving treaty languages, retentions and attachment points.

184)     1994-1996 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as Umpire.                    served by a party arbiter Rex Davis, Counsel Katherine Dedrick (Hinshaw & Culbertson). Party arbiter for                    , Don Martin, Counsel Ellen Green (Querrey & Harrow). Agreed settlement of underlying action, carriers agreed to arbitrate coverage questions between primary and excess.

185)     1994-1997 litigation,                    , et al vs.                    ,                    vs.                    , et al., Circuit Court of Cook County, Case No. 93CH10041. Serving for                    as preparation/expert witness on customary practice in reporting to umbrella carrier, underlying assessments as to potential shortfall in attorney handling. Counsel for                    , Jeff Zehe (Clausen, Miller).

186)     1994-1997 litigation,                    vs.                    , U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, Case No. H-934146. Serving as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Elizabeth Tipton & Jack Gilbert (Tipton & Gilbert). Underlying questions between primary and excess as to claims handling, attorney retention and excess limits award. Carrier portion has been settled in accord with agreement, potential malpractice claim against Counsel.

187)     1995-1997 arbitration,                    (                    ), et al.                    vs                    ,                    , et al. Serving as Umpire, party arbiter for                    , George Duncan, Counsel John Woods (Thatcher Proffitt). Party arbiter for                    , Bob Federman, Counsel Roger Sleight (Sedgwick, Detert). Questions as to ceding company's loss presentation, questions of affixing of loss to appropriate periods.

188)     1996-1997 litigation,                    vs.                    , Circuit Court of Cook County, Case No. 95L09228. Serving as preparation/expert witness, Counsel James Garvey (Vedder Price). Review and opine on drafting and handling of claims under retrospective rating plan.

189)     1996-1997 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Ron Jacks (Mayer, Brown & Platt). Party arbiter for                    , Bill Wall (Tribler & Orpett), Counsel In-house. Questions as to underlying claims handling and reporting under facultative certificate.

190)     1996-1997 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Mike Gorelick (Abrams & Martin). No designation of party arbiter or Umpire. Case settled.

191)     1996-1997 litigation,                    vs.                    , 1996 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 8000 (N.D. Ill. June 10, 1996) and 1996 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 10841 (N.D. Ill. July 30, 1996). Serving as expert witness for                    , Counsel Karl Belgum (Thelen, Marrin, San Francisco) and Jill Berkeley (Schiff-Chicago). Opine on claims made environmental policy; drafting, underwriting and claims.

192)     1996-1997 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Mary O’Conner (Akin, Gump). Party arbiter for                    , Eric Macey (Novack & Macey), Counsel Jim Betke (McDermott, Will), Umpire, Bill Wall of Tribler & Orpett. Questions as to reinsurance cession.

193)     1996-1997 litigation,                    vs.                    , U.S. Dist. Court, Southern Division, S.D., CIV94-42391 Requested to serve as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Jim Hertz (Christopher, Bailin & Anderson). Questions as to valuation of underinsured motorist claim and potential bad faith actions on the part of the carrier.

194)     1996-1997 arbitration,                    vs.                    ,                    ,                    ,                    and                    , serving as arbiter on behalf of NFA #96-ARB-101 (National Futures Association). Attorney for                    , Linda Fraiser, attorney for                    , Howard Stein.

195)     1996-1998                       vs.                       , key New York case on late notice. Serving as preparation/expert witness for                    , Counsel Kevin Walsh (Kelley, Drye). Serving as expert witness for                    , Bill Gilmartin, Counsel Pepper Hamilton. Potential questions on ceding company's loss presentation under facultative certificate.

196)     1996-1998                    vs.                    . Serving as Umpire. Counsel for                    , Mike Murphy (Healy & Baillie). Party arbiter for                    , Mike Pope. Serving as Counsel for                    , Barry Ostranger (Simpson Thatcher), party arbiter Bill Gilmartin. Questions as to reinsurance relationship, coverages and Agreement.

197)     1997-1998 serving as expert witness for Counsel Frank Hemp, Bell, Boyd, Raymark Industries; Suit styled                    &                    vs.                    , Circuit Ct. Cook Co. IL No. 78L8760. Questions involving loss affixing of asbestos presentations based on the Illinois Supreme Court dictates.

198)     1998 litigation, Northern District of Illinois,                    vs.                    . Serving as expert witness for                    , Counsel Dwight Palmer, Jr. of Wilson & McIlvaine, Counsel for                    , Henry Daar of Kostow & Daar. Review, assess and opine on rights, duties and obligations of a fronting primary company’s conduct resulting in an excess limits Award. Testimony post reversal and remanding by U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Cir.

199)     1998 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Michele Bracke, Bollinger Ruberry, party arbiter for                    was Dennis Gentry, Counsel Gordon Hwang and Jonathan Rosen (in-house Counsel for                    ).

200)     1997-1998                    vs.                    . Serving as expert witness for a reinsurer on facultative certificate, Counsel, Joseph Donley of Kittredge, Donley, Counsel for                    , Ellen Burrows of White & Williams.

201)     1998 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    . Counsel for                    , Rudnick & Wolfe, Jennifer Fossland. Counsel for                    , Wilson & McIlvaine, Tom Magill. Serving as party arbiter for                    , Rick O’Rourke. Questions involving reinsurer response on treaty relationships.

202)     1993-1998 litigation,                    vs.                    . Serving as preparation/expert witness for                    , Mike Gorelick (Abrams & Martin) as Counsel. Underlying malpractice case, recovery for excess limits against                    and into                    umbrella. Reinsurer questions obligations to                    ,                    received favorable Motion for Summary, case on appeal. Key New York case on late notice.

203)     1996-1998 litigation, requested to serve as preparation/expert witness on several matters for                    Counsel Jason Groves (Groves & Julius, S.D). Presently identified on only one matter;                    vs.                    , Case No. 96-5004, U.S. District Court, Western Division, S.D.

204)     1997-1998                    vs.                    , State Court, Sioux Falls, S.D. Serving as expert witness for                    , Counsel Michael Hanlon, Sioux Falls.

205)     1998 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as umpire, party arbiter for                    , Don DeCarlo, Counsel Don Mrozek of Hinshaw & Culbertson. Party arbiter for                    , Ken Saunders, Counsel Eileen Dacey, Querrey & Harrow. Questions involving life reinsurance treaty.

206)     1999 arbitration,                    &                    . Serving as expert witness for                    , Counsel William Long, III, Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice, Atlanta, Georgia. Counsel for                    , Pitts Carr. Panel; Umpire, Peter Molloy, Bob Hall, Tom Player. Question of treaty being facultative vs. treaty obligatory.

207)     1998-1999 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Counsel for                    , Gordon Hwang, party arbiter Bob F. Hall. Serving as Counsel for                    , Elliott Kroll and Bruce Friedman of Kroll, Rubin & Fiorella, serving as party arbiter for                    , Dan Schmidt. My service is as umpire in this matter. Questions between ceding company and reinsurer’s response.

208)     1998-1999 litigation, U.S. District Court, Southern Division South Dakota,                    vs.                    . Served as preparation witness and/or expert witness for                    , Counsel                    , Christopherson Bailin & Anderson. Counsel for                    , Woods, Fuller, Sioux Falls, S.D. Questions as to valuation/claims handling on underinsured motorist claim.

209)     1998-1999 arbitration,                    vs.                    , served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel John Freeman and Mark Wolfe, Bollinger Ruberry. Umpire, Tom Crisham (Quinlan & Crisham). Case involved uninsured motorist under arbitration clause in                    policy.

210)     1998-1999 arbitration,                    vs.                    Counsel for                    , Kathleen Carson, German Gallagher & Murtagh. Present service as party arbiter for                    . Party arbiter for                    is Joe Bambury; Umpire, Dan Schmidt. Case involves appropriate cession on surplus treaty.

211)     1998-1999 arbitration,                    vs                    . and                    , NFA #98-ARB-130. Claimant alleges “churning” of account balances in commodity futures account.

212)     1998-1999 arbitration,                       vs.                       . Service rendered as Umpire; party arbiter for                    , Bob Mangino, Counsel Sigrid Franzblau, Riker Danzig Firm. Party arbiter for                       , Jim Phair, Counsel Wendy Taylor/Jonathan Rosen. Questions involve allocation and apportionment.

213)     1998-2000 litigation,                    vs.                    , service as preparation/expert witness on matter between primary,                    , as excess carrier. Requested to serve as expert witness for                    , Counsel Brenda Hight of McManemin & Smith, Dallas.

214)     1999-2000 litigation, Federal Court, Wisconsin,                    and                    . Served as expert witness for                    , Counsel Randall Nash. Allegations of wrongful denial of coverage.

215)     1999-2000 arbitration,                    and                    , served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel is Sidley & Austin, Bill Sneed. Counsel for                    , John Finnegan with Rosenman & Colin. Party appointed arbiter has been designated, Dennis Gentry. Questions as to ceding company loss presentation.

216)     2000-2000 litigation/California,                    vs.                    ,                    ,                    ,                    ,                    ,                    ,                    ,                    ,                    ,                    . Served as expert witness for reinsurers, LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, Counsel Dean Hansell and Jerry Abeles. Questions on claimant attempt to “by-pass” the liquidator on                    ,LA Locus. Case concluded, reinsurers received favorable Motion for Summary.

217)     2000-2000 arbitration, National Futures Association,                    vs.                    , NFA Case, 99-ARB-127. Allegations of questionable trading practices.

218)     2000-2000 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    . Counsel for                    , Joe Donley, Kittridge, Donley. Counsel for                    , Tom Allen, White & Williams. Question as to cession.

219)     1999-2000                    and                    . Served as Umpire on this matter. Arbiter for                    , Paul Hawksworth, arbiter for                    , John Heath. Counsel for                    , Russell Bogin, Counsel for                    , Robert Knuti, Lord, Bissell & Brook.

220)     1998-2000 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel for                    , Charles McIntyre, Jr., McGuire Woods Battle & Boothe. Party arbiter for                    , Kenneth Auerbach, Counsel for                    , Jay Helt, Jay Helt & Associates. Dennis Gentry served as Umpire. Questions arising under MGA Agreement.

221)     1994-2001 litigation,                    vs.                    and                    , Oklahoma State Court (see entry #165). Served as expert witness for                    , Counsel David Steed (Turner & Boisseau). Trial Court ruled “no reinsurance contract”, Court of Appeals reversed and remanded. Case to be retried, my appearance will be as an expert witness for                    .

222)     1999-2001 litigation, Federal Court, Wisconsin,                    vs                    . Served as expert witness for                    , Counsel Randall Nash, O’Neil, Cannon & Hollman. Allegations of wrongful denial of coverage.

223)     1999-2001 NASDA 99-01396                    vs.                    . Served as a public arbiter.                    Counsel, Ron Lepinskas, Lord, Bissell & Brook. Counsel for                    , Sharon Kranz Austin. NASDA arbitration, questions of “suitability”.

224)     2000-2001 litigation, South Dakota, appeared as Expert Witness for                    , Firm Scott Hoy. Questions as to individual policyholder recovery under disability income policy.

225)     2000-2001 arbitration, Retrospectively rated primary contract,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , in-house Counsel. Questions on retrospectively rated premium assessment.

226)     1999-2001 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel, Michael Goldstein, Mound, Cotton & Wollan, New York. Party arbiter for                    , William Wall, Counsel, Nick DiGiovanni, Lord, Bissell. Tom Tobin served as Umpire. Questions as to loss presentations under treaty.

227)     1998-2001 arbitration,                    and                    . Served as party arbiter for                    . Counsel for                    , Lord Bissell & Brook, Albert Fowerbaugh, Jr. Counsel for                    , John Meyer. Party Arbiter for                    , Karen Murphy. Judge Nicholas Bua serving as Umpire. Questions involving MGA agreements.

228)     1999-2001 arbitration,                    and                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , party arbiter on                    is David Little. Joe Bambury is serving as Umpire. Questions as to reinsurer response under treaty. Counsel for                    , Lord, Bissell & Brook, Mark Kreger. Counsel for                    , Bell, Boyd & Lloyd, Francis Higgins.

229)     1999-2001 arbitration,                    and                    , served as a party arbiter for                    , Counsel is Sidley & Austin, Bill Sneed. Counsel for                    , Daryn Rush, White & Williams. Party appointed arbiter is Brunhilde Hufnagl-Hopkinson. No Umpire designated as yet. Questions as to ceding company loss presentation.

230)     2000-2001 arbitration,                    vs.                    , served as party arbiter for                    , Shearman & Sterling, Counsel, Henry Weisburg and Richard Regan, Broderick, Stirn & Regan. Counsel for                    , Paul, Weiss, Rekind. Party arbiter for                    , Caleb Fowler, Frank Barrett, Umpire. Questions regarding Agency agreement.

231)     2000-2001 arbitration,                    and                    , served as expert witness for                    , Counsel, Thomas S. Brown, Hecker Brown Sherry and Johnson. Opining as to coverage under boiler and machinery and cession to facultative certificate.

232)     2000-2001 litigation,                    vs                    , case C.A. 99-120, U.S. District Court, Western District Pennsylvania. Served as expert witness for                    , Counsel Kevin Allen, Thorpe, Reed. Questions as to binding nature of 90 day arbitration provision.

233)     2001 litigation,                       vs.                       , Bridgeport Division, District of Connecticut. Served as expert witness for individual plaintiffs, Counsel Pam Hollis. Opining on excess policy language, questions as to Illinois Court’s judgment versus preferential treatment.

234)     2001 litigation,                    vs.                    . Lincoln, Nebraska, served as preparation counsel for                    , law firm Rembolt, Ludtke. Potential guidelines on coverage assessment on International Products policy.

235)     1993-2001 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Kathryn Broderick (Preston & Gates). Party arbiter for                    Rick Gilmore, Counsel Tim Regan (Zelle & Larson), Umpire, Dennis Gentry. Questions as to treaty loss presentations to retrocessional.

236)     1999-2001 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Richard Milone of Howrey & Simon (Washington, D.C.). Counsel for                    , Stephen O’Donnell, Rudnick & Wolfe. Party arbiter for                    , Saul Froomkin, Q. C., Mello, Hollis, Bermuda, Umpire, George Pratt. Questions as to reinsurer response under treaties.

237)     1999-2001 litigation,                    vs.                    , New Jersey State Court, Counsel Bob Brennan (Porzio, Bromberg). Served as rebuttal expert witness on drafting and handling of retrospective rating program, facultative cession and captive pooling agreement.

238)     1999-2001 arbitration,                    vs.                    , served as Umpire. Party arbiter for                    , Robert F. Hall, In-house Counsel for                    . Party arbiter for                    , Wendell Ingraham, Counsel for                    , Rhonda Rittenberg, Prince, Lobel & Tye. Questions regarding cession of loss to applicable treaties.

239)     1999-2001 arbitration,                    and                    &                    . Appeared as party arbiter for                    , Counsel for                    was Bruce Friedman of Kroll, Rubin & Fiorella. Appearing as Counsel for                    , Ira Belcove with Butler, Rubin, party arbiter for                    , Martin Haber, Umpire, Don DeCarlo. Questions revolve around appropriate reinsurer response to ceding company presentation.

240)     2000-2001 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    . Counsel for                    , Bill Sneed, Sidley & Austin. Party arbiter for                    , John Hyland, Counsel for                    , Bob Sweeney, Jr., Lord Bissell & Brook, Richard Waterman served as Umpire. Questions as to loss presentations under retrocessional agreement.

241)     2001 litigation,                       vs.                       . Served as expert witness for                    on matter in Superior Court of New Jersey, Chancery Division, Counsel, Mark Kreger, Lord Bissell & Brook. Questions involved appropriate rights, duties and obligations of ceding company to facultative reinsurer.

242)     2001 arbitration,                    vs.                    , served as Umpire. Party arbiter for                    , Jerry Murray, party arbiter for                    , Paul Dassenko. Counsel for                    , Wilson, Elsner. Questions involved cessions under treaty.

243)     2002 litigation,                    vs.                    (liability carrier),                    (hull carrier). Jet aircraft damaged in hanger exercise, potential downtime and mode of repair question. Served as preparation witness for                    (South Dakota) on hull claim on corporate jet.

244)     2000 arbitration, NASD-DR Arbitration #98-03924,                       &                       , et al vs.                    . Private individuals alleged wrongful broker practices. Counsel for petitioner, Alan Block, Block & Landsman, Counsel for respondent, Tracy Treger, Altheimer & Gray. Served as a neutral Umpire.

245)     2002 arbitration,                    &                    and                    . Cassiday, Schade & Gloor serving as Counsel for                    , Michael Cass as arbiter. Served as Counsel for                    , Lord, Bissell & Brook, Bill Gilmartin as party arbiter. My service is as Umpire on this matter involved allocation under the casualty treaty.

246)     2000 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Michael Goldstein, Mound, Cotton & Wollan. Party arbiter for                    , Brunhilde Hufnagl-Hopkinson, Counsel, Kathryn Broderick, Broderick, Stirn & Regan, Umpire Bob Mangino. Questions as to cession under treaty.

247)     1996 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as a party arbiter for                    , Counsel Ed Zulkey (Baker & McKenzie). Counsel for                    , Ron Houdlett (Mendes & Mount), arbiter Bill Edwards. Questions as to ceding company's loss presentation.

248)     2003 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel, Michael Goldstein, Mound, Cotton. Party arbiter for                    , Janet Burak, Counsel Debra Cohen, Pepper, Hamilton. Questions as to cession under treaty.

249)     2003 litigation,                    vs.                    , served as expert witness for                    , Counsel Clausen, Miller (Diane Simon). Counsel for                    , Gene Weisberg (U.S. Central District of California). Questions as to                    vs.                    and machinery reinsurance cession to                    .

250)     2000 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Bruce Friedman of Rubin & Fiorella and Bob Bates of Bates, Carey. Party arbiter for                    , Dan Schmidt, Counsel for                    , Stephen Klein, Barger & Wolen, Umpire Mary Ellen Burns. Question as to cession under treaty.

251)     2003 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as Umpire, Counsel for                    , Schiff Hardin (Anthony Burt/David Spector), party arbiter Bill Gilmartin. Serving as                    , party arbiter for                    James P. White, Counsel LeBoeuf, Lamb (Lawrence Pollack and Michael Knoerzer). Questions as to appropriateness of cessions under treaty.

252)     1996 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Michael Connelly (Connelly & Schroeder). Party arbiter for                    , John Webb, Counsel Dennis Frostic (McCullough, Lane). Umpire, Tom Tarpy. Questions as to actions of MGA, alleged shortfall.

253)     2000 litigation,                    vs.                    . Served as expert witness for Plaintiff, Counsel, Gary Thimsen, Woods, Fuller, Schultz & Smith. Testimony involved assessment and opinions on disability policy.

254)     2000 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Larry Greengrass, Mound Cotton. Party arbiter for                    , Bob M. Hall, Counsel LeBoeuf Lamb, Larry Schiffer. Umpire, Paul Dassenko. Questions on cession under treaty.

255)     2000 arbitration,                    vs.                    , served as party arbiter for                    , no designation of Counsel for                    . Steve Hut served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel, Piper, Marbury, Rudnick & Wolfe.

256)     2001 arbitration,                    vs.                    and                    . Served as umpire, party arbiter for                    , Norman Krivosha of Kutak Rock, party arbiter for                    and                    , Tom Tobin, Counsel for                    , David Spector, Schiff, Hardin. Counsel for                    , Edwin McCabe Group, Ira Silverstein and Daniel Hargraves, Counsel for                    , David Raim/Tracey Laws, Chadbourne & Parke. Questions arising from transfer of life business.

257)     2001 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as Umpire, party arbiter for                    , Michael Cass, party arbiter for                    , Art Coleman. Counsel for                    , John Kloecker of Lord, Bissell, Counsel for                    , Bill O’Farrell, Berkshire. Questions as to cession of                    vs.                    .

258)     2001 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel, Lane, Powell, Spears. No designation of other party arbiter, Umpire or Counsel.

259)     2002 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as arbiter for                    , Counsel for                    , Bill Sneed, Sidley Austin. Party arbiter for                       , Susan Mack, Counsel Edwards and Angel, Umpire, Paul Hawksworth. Questions as to treaty attachment points.

260)     2002 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    . Counsel for                    , Jerry Greenberger, Rubin & Fiorella. Counsel for                    , Kathy Broderick of Broderick, Regan and Stirn, party arbiter for                    , Tom Daly. Questions as to loss cessions under treaty period.

261)     2002 litigation,                    vs.                    . Served as expert witness for                    . Counsel, Leland Chait, Wildman, Harrold. Litigation in U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois. Counsel for                    , Katten, Muchin. Questions as to binding nature of arbitration clause.

262)     2002 arbitration, Insurance Director of Arizona, as Receiver of                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel, Bob Nunnally. Party arbiter for                    , Jerry Butler, Umpire, Burnie Burner. Potential questions on handling run-off of                    .

263)     2003 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    . Counsel for                    , David Spector, Schiff, Hardin. Party arbiter for                    , Bob Mangino. Question as to loss cessions under treaty.

264)     2003 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    . Counsel for                    , Bill Sneed, Sidley & Austin. Counsel for                    , Kathy Broderick of Broderick, Regan & Stirn, party arbiter Dale Crawford. Questions as to cessions under treaty.

265)     2003 arbitration,                    vs.                    and                    . Served as neutral appointed arbiter. Party arbiters Richard Rhodes and David Allen. Counsel for                    , Robert Ferencz of Sidley & Austin, counterpart Douglas Carlson of Wildman, Harrold. Contractual questions and dispute involved.

266)     2003 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Appointed as Umpire, party arbiter for                    , Robert F. Hall, in-house Counsel Russell Bogin. Party arbiter for                    , Jack Speckman, no Counsel at present. Questions as to cession under treaty.

267)     2004 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as Umpire, arbiter for                    , Ron Gass, Counsel John Nonna, LeBoeuf. Party arbiter for                    , Jim White, Counsel Tom Newman. Questions as to appropriateness of underwriting cession to treaty.

268)     2003 arbitration,                    and                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    . Counsel for                    , Sheppard and Mullin (LA) and Wildman, Harrold (Chicago). Counsel for                    , Roxborough, Pomerance (LA) and Latham & Watkins (Chgo) and party arbiter, Judge Douglas Moore. Questions on workmen’s compensation self insured program.

269)     2002 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    . Counsel, Elliott Kroll of Herrick Feinstein, LLP, Counsel for                    , David Spector of Schiff, Hardin, Party arbiter Gene Wollan, Umpire, Bob Mangino. Questions as to treaty drafting.

270)     2003 litigation,                    and                    , in Liquidation vs.                       and                    . Preparation witness and/or expert witness for Nebraska liquidator, opining on directors of                    duties to assess, acquire and supervise the purchase of reinsurance. Counsel for Liquidator, Tom O’Conner (Calfee, Halter).

271)     2003 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Richard Greenberg, Ross & Hardies as Counsel. Party arbiter for                    , Robert Green, Counsel Andrew Amer of Simpson, Thacher. Questions as to cession under life treaties.

272)     2004 litigation,                       vs.                       . Served as preparation expert and testifying expert for Russ Stedman of Barger & Wolen. Opined as to appropriate manner of cession of underwriting binding agreement, coding and accounting and claims assessments on the MGA.

273)     2004 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as Umpire, Counsel for                    , Gerald Greenberger, party arbiter Steve Gaines. Party arbiter for                    , Paul Hawksworth, Counsel Bob Lewin with Stroock and Stroock. Questions as to cession under surety treaties.

274)     2004 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Tom Cunningham. Party arbiter for                    , David Narigon, Counsel Larson and King. No umpire selection. Questions as to cession under Treaty.

275)     2004 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Bill Sneed. No appointment of arbiter, umpire or Counsel for                    as yet. Questions involved cession under treaty.

276)     2004 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Tom Cunningham of Sidley Austin. Party arbiter for                    , Paul Tuhy, Counsel Larson & King. No Umpire selection at present. Questions as to cession under treaty.

277)     2003 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Grant Degginger of Lane, Powell. Counsel for                    , Cary Lerman of Munger, Tolles. No arbiters or Umpire has been designated as yet. Bermuda arbitration, questions as to cession under policy.

278)     2004 litigation,                    vs.                    . Serving as preparation and testifying expert on facultative cession of boiler & machinery coverage on an Australian Risk. London Counsel, Cathy May of Davies-Lavery. Locus may be changed from London to New York, with New York Court appearance and subsequent New York Counsel.

279)     2005 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Counsel for                    , Tom Crawford and Dennis Dolan of Litchfield Cavo. Party arbiter for                    , Jim Corcoran, Counsel Carolin Scott of Gardere Wynne. Jim Powers serving as Umpire. Questions involving appropriate loss cession under facultative certificate.

280)     2005 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Mike Connelly of Connelly & Schroeder. Party arbiter for                    , Paul Hawksworth, Counsel Katten, Muchin. Bill Gilmartin is serving as Umpire. Questions surrounding funding and MGA agreement.

281)     2005 arbitration,                    (in liquidation) and                    . Party arbiter for                    , Charlie Niles, Counsel Joe Donnelly of Kittredge, Donnelly. Party arbiter for                    , Andy Walsh, Counsel Debbie Cohen of Pepper, Hamilton. My service is as Umpire, questions involving alleged mutual debts and offsets.

282)     2005 arbitration under Jams,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Bates and Carey. Party Arbiter for                    , Robert Parker, Counsel Boies, Schiller and Flexner. Questions involving explosion/mechanical breakdown of power plant generator in China. CGL policy coverage question relating to products/impaired property/loss adjustment.

283)     2005 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Michael Connelly, Connelly & Schroeder. Party arbiter for                    , Keefe Brooks, Counsel Plunkett Cooney. Serving as Umpire, Hugh Alexander. Court ordered arbitration, questions regarding MGA agreements, fronting and costs of respective services.

284)     2006 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Bruce Friedman. No designation of party arbiter, Umpire or Counsel as yet. Questions as to loss cessions under treaty.

285)     2006 litigation,                    vs.                    . Serving as expert witness for                    , Counsel Mary Palma of Nall, Miller of Atlanta, Georgia. Litigation appearance in Berrin County, Michigan, State Court. Questions as to broker and carrier (AIG) coverage positions under manuscript policy.

286)     2006 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Stephen Straus of Traub, Eglin. Party arbiter for                    , Peter Hildebrand, Counsel Mabry and McClelland. No Umpire selected as yet. Questions as to proper notice under treaty.

287)     2006 arbitration,                    vs.                    and                    . Serving as Umpire on three related Panels. Party arbiter for                    , Richard Waterman, Counsel Cozen, O'Conner. Arbiter for                    , Thomas Clinton, Counsel Cichanoicz, Calian, party arbiter for                    Paul Dessanko, Counsel Palmer, Eizup. Questions as to loss cessions under treaty.

288)     2004 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as Umpire, party arbiter for                    , Don DeCarlo, Counsel Mark Leimkuhler of Baach, Robinson. Party arbiter for                    is Dave Nichols, Counsel Cy Benson of White, Case was replaced as Counsel for                          by LeBoeuf, Lamb, Green & MacRae by Michael Knoerzer and John Nonna, and that Judge Norman Krivosha replaced Dave Nichols as                        arbitrator. Questions as to loss portfolio transfer and treaty response.

289)     2005 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Bill Sneed of Sidley & Austin. Party arbiter for                    , Klaus Kunze, Counsel Kay Wilde of Lovells. Richard Waterman is serving as Umpire.

290)     2006 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Bruce Friedman of Rubin Fiorella serving as Counsel. Party arbiter for                    , Paul Thomson III, Counsel Piper, Marbury, serving as Umpire, Bruce Stephen. Questions as to cessions under treaty.

291)     2006 arbitration, American Arbitration Association:                    vs.                    . Serving as single neutral, Counsel for                    Tim Rankin, Onda, LaBuhn (Ohio), Counsel for                    Tim Kelly/Marc Pearlman, Kerns, Pitrof (Chgo). Questions under MGA agreement.

292)     2006 arbitration,                    vs.                    , serving as Umpire. Counsel for                    , Ed Ruberry, Bollinger, Ruberry, party arbiter Jim O'Brien. Counsel for                    Glen Kanwit, Foley & Lardner, party arbiter Paul Dassenko. Claims questions under servicing agreement.

293)     2006 litigation,                    vs.                    , Northern District of Alabama. Serving as preparation and testifying expert witness for                    , Counsel Doug Beck, Shook, Hardy (K.C.). Questions as to ceding company facultative claims presentation.

294)     2007 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Joe Donley and William Cox of Kittredge, Donley. Counsel for                    , Larson & King, party arbiter Spiro Bantis. Serving as Umpire, Jim Phair. Questions as to loss cessions under treaty.

295)     2007 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as Umpire, party arbiter for                    , Therese Adams, Counsel Michael Weiss (Epstein, Torner & Song), party arbiter for                    Colin McRae, Counsel Raymond (The Greenberg Firm). Questions under MGA agreement.

296)     2007 arbitration,                       ,                       and                       vs.                       . Serving as Umpire,                       Counsel Vince Vitkowski, Edwards & Angel, party arbiter Dan Schmidt. Counsel for                       , David Weiss of Morgan, Lewis (S.F.), party arbiter, George Biehl. Questions of treaty retentions.

297)     2007 arbitration,                       vs.                       . Serving as party arbiter for                       , Counsel Sidley, Austin, Tom Cunningham. Counsel for                       , Steve Agosta, party arbiter, Sylvia Kaminsky. Treaty claims questions.

298)     2007 arbitration,                       vs.                       , serving as Umpire, Counsel for                       , Ed Ruberry, Bollinger, Ruberry, party arbiter, Jim O'Brien. Counsel for                       , Bob Moore, Stone & Moore, party arbiter, Jack Murphy. Questions on claims serving agreement.

299)     2008-2009 arbitration,                       vs.                       . Serving as party arbiter for                       , Counsel Ron Ohren, Baker & McKenzie. Counsel for                    , Edwards & Angel. Umpire, Dale Crawford, questions as to cession under treaty.

300)     2006-2009 litigation, Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Diane Koken, as Liquidator of                          vs.                          Serving as preparation counsel for                       , Counsel Steve Pearson, Matt Wildermuth, Mickler, Bulger. Questions as to obligations of ceding company under shareholder agreement under fronting arrangements.

301)     2008-2009 arbitration,                    vs.                    ,                       ,                       . Serving as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Kluever & Platt. No present appointment of arbiter or umpire.

302)     2008-2009 arbitration,                       vs.                       , In Rehabilitation. Serving as party arbiter for                       , no appointment of arbiter or umpire as yet.

303)     2008-2009 arbitration,                       vs.                       , Counsel for                       , Meckler (Scott Seaman), Peter Bickford arbiter. Counsel for                          (Brian Bendig), party arbiter Mary Ellen Burns. Served as umpire; question of reinsurance recoverable.

304)     2009 Consulting on commutation of reinsurance recoverable from                       on the                          Estate with Illinois Office of the Special Deputy.

305)     2009 litigation, served as expert witness Fayette Circuit Court in Kentucky, for                          (06-C)-4441. Counsel Shannon Nash, Lynn, Futherson. Opine on hospital/malpractice primary and excess coverage Chubb policies.

306)     2008 arbitration,                    vs.                    . Serving as Umpire. Party arbiter for                    , Peter Scarpato, Counsel David Silva of Mound, Cotton. Party arbiter for                       , Robert Miller, Counsel Brian Bendig. Questions on appropriate treaty cession. Concluded 2010.

307)     2008 arbitration,                 vs.                 . Serving as party arbiter for                 , Counsel Bill Sneed of Sidley Firm. Party Arbiter for                 is Tom Daly, Counsel Kathy Broderick, Broderick Stirn & Regan. Treaty claims questions involved. Concluded 2010.

308)     2009 arbitration, served as party arbiter for                    , Counsel Richard Childers/John Kuhn of Fedota, Childers, other party arbiter, Fritz Husagh of Hinshaw, Counsel Michael Charish. Serving as umpire Scott Carey, Bates & Carey. Questions as to primary vs. excess coverage in Illinois. Concluded 2010.

309)     2007 litigation, Serving as monitoring Counsel, attendance at mediations and pretrial on lawsuits for                       , under the auspices of                    .

310)     2009 expert witness appearance, Superior Court , Hartford, Connecticut;                      vs.                 , served for                 . Question of reinsurance cession on facultative certificate.

311)     2009 litigation,                 vs.                 , Counsel for                 , Neal Rambin (Sedgwick). Serving as expert witness on primary/umbrella coverage and reinsurer response.

312)     2009 arbitration under American Arbitration;                 vs.                 , serving as party arbiter for                 , Counsel Michaels, May. Party arbiter for                 Bob Baratta. Counsel for                 Bryan, Cabe, LP. Umpire is Judge Neville. Questions as to legal fees and expenses under, coverage in place.

313)     2012 arbitration,                 vs.                 . Counsel for                 , Sidley, I am serving as party arbiter, Counsel for                 , Neal Novak, Novak Law Offices, arbiter Klaus Kunze. Serving as umpire, Paul Hawksworth. Questions on facultative certificate.

314)     2010 litigation, Supreme Court State of New York,                           and                 vs.                 . Serving as expert witness for                 , Counsel Simpson Thatcher, Counsel for                 , Bates & Carey, questions on reinsurance presentation.

315)     2010 arbitration, American Arbitration Association,                 vs.                 . Counsel for                 , Edward Angell, Counsel for                 , Michelman & Robinson. Serving as umpire, arbiters Tom Tobin & Fred Fisher. Questions on contingent.

316)     2010 arbitration, American Arbitration Association,                 and                 vs.                 . Counsel for                 , Clark Hall, Counsel for                 , Berry, Sahradnik. Serving as umpire, arbiters Robert Robertson and Mike Cass. Questions as to retentions and attachment points.

317)     2012 arbitration,                 vs.                 . Counsel for                 , Tim Volpe of Volpe, Bajalia, Counsel for                 , Bruce Friedman of Robins, Fiorella. Serving as umpire, arbiter for                 , Ray Neff, arbiter for                 , John Cole. Questions on treaty coverage.

318)     2015 arbitration under American Arbitration Association.                   vs.                   Counsel for                 , Lydecker Diaz, Miami, Florida, Counsel Holland Hart, Las Vegas, for                     .     Served as Umpire; Party Arbiters Alan Feldman and Alan Rothenberg. Questions on reinsurance agency agreements.



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